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Script Debugger 4.5.4b4

I am preparing another Script Debugger 4.5 maintenance release. This maintenance release addresses Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) compatibility and some remaining stability issues in Script Debugger 4.5.3. Here is another BETA build of Script Debugger 4.5.4 for testing.

UPDATE: Script Debugger 4.5.4 has been released.


  • A Script Debugger 4.5 registration number
  • PowerPC or Intel Macintosh
  • Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, 10.6


Script Debugger 4.5.4b4 (11.4MB)


  • Expand the SD4.5.4 archive
  • Quit Script Debugger if it is running
  • Move the Script Debugger 4.5 application to your Applications folder (or any other place on your disk)

I recommend keeping your copy of Script Debugger 4.5.3 around in case you need to revert to that build. Note also that this BETA build expires on February 1, 2010.

Script Debugger 4.5.4b4 Changes

  • 14870 Corrected a problem that caused the insertion point to be in wrong place when dragging items to the last line of a script.
  • 14869 Corrected a series of parsing bugs that sometimes caused parts of scripts to be omitted from the Table Of Contents menu.

Script Debugger 4.5.4b3 Changes


  1. Kem Tekinay Kem Tekinay

    SD 4.5.4b4 is unusable as it keeps crashing at seemingly random points. b3 was fine, and, of course, 4.5.3 works well except for not being able to see the value of variables in Snow Leopard. If there isn’t a b5 coming soon, can we at least get b3 back with a revised expiration date?

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