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Script Debugger 4.5.3b7

I am preparing another Script Debugger 4.5 maintenance release. This maintenance release tries to address the remaining stability issues in the Script Debugger 4.5.2 build. Here is another Beta build of Script Debugger 4.5.3 for testing.


  • A Script Debugger 4.5 registration number
  • PowerPC or Intel Macintosh
  • Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5


Script Debugger 4.5.3b7 (10.8MB)


  • Expand the SD4.5.3 archive
  • Quit Script Debugger if it is running
  • Move the Script Debugger 4.5 application to your Applicatioons folder (or any other place on your disk)

I recommend keeping your copy of Script Debugger 4.5.2 around in case you need to revert to that build. Note also that this Beta build expires on July 1, 2009.

Script Debugger 4.5.3b7 Changes

  • 14821 Corrected a hanging bug that occurred when a script running in a Script Debugger window told Script Debugger to quit.
  • 14806 Integrated Help Book updates.

Changes in previous Script Debugger 4.5.3 Beta builds