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Category: Late Night Software

Script Debugger 4.5.4b1

I am preparing another Script Debugger 4.5 maintenance release. This maintenance release addresses Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) compatibility the and some remaining stability issues in Script Debugger 4.5.3. Here is another BETA build of Script Debugger 4.5.4 for testing.

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Script Debugger 4.5.3

I’m pleased to announce the release of Script Debugger 4.5.3. Script Debugger 4.5.3 is a free maintenance release that addresses a series of issues that came to light following the release of Script Debugger 4.5.

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Script Debugger 4.5.3b7

I am preparing another Script Debugger 4.5 maintenance release. This maintenance release tries to address the remaining stability issues in the Script Debugger 4.5.2 build. Here is another Beta build of Script Debugger 4.5.3 for testing.

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XML Tools 2.9.2

I have just uploaded a new version of my freeware XML Tools AppleScript Scripting Addition. This new release addresses a regression in the 2.9.1 release that prevented XML Tools from loading correctly on Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) systems.

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